Daily Painting - Edinburgh in Spring

Landscape Edinburgh Scotland, spring time.Daily painting.
Edinburgh in Spring - Painting number 6

Daily Painting - Original Oil Paining on Oil Paper 10x7 inches

This one is more an oil sketch than a painting as I'm not well at all today.
Just painted the view from my window, did the best I could considering. I might go back to it and give it a finishing touch sometime in the future.

When I went to India in June last year, I caught a tummy bug.
I thought the stories you hear of 'Delhi belly' were a bit of a myth, or that people just didn't take good care. Turns out getting a bad tummy is just down to the luck of the draw when in Delhi, and I'm lucky.
My problem is...I never recovered from the tummy bug.
I call it a tummy bug but it was really a very bad infection and I was incredibly ill, but I don't like to inflate it's ego.
Now I've got a tummy disorder which I'm starting to feel is permanent.
At the moment I am on five different tablets. Just went to the doctors today and they have added a sedative to the list. It's not easy to sleep when you get stabbing pains and if I suffer from any form of anxiety I'm not likely to recover. You know that all of our stomachs can be a be a bit touchy with stressful situations at the best of times, well imagine trying not to get stressed when you don't know if you will make it to the loo! This is not so stressful if you are at home, but what if you are in the office...oh my God what on earth would I do! LOL
So the doctor has decided that I can't get anxious if I'm sedated!
I like their way of thinking

I am quite a happy go lucky person and don't really get anxious naturally about much.
It is going to be fascinating seeing what I'm like sedated all the time.
My boyfriend is obviously looking forward to the tablets kicking in!

The funny thing about being in pain....that's an odd statement isn't it....is how it impacts your painting ability.
I get stabbing pains and quite often find it impossible to stop the natural reaction of shouting Owwwwwwe and tensing ever muscle in my body. It's sometimes like having a momentary combination of  Tourettes and Parkinson's. When you have a paint brush in your hand at the time, you get a variety of results. Mostly a big scribble or score across your painting or paint up the wall. Once I was resting my chin on my paintbrush ladened hand, so painted right across my lip and half way up my face when the pain got me. Thing is, I didn't notice I'd done it and my boyfriend left me with a big Mexican moustache for ages. He is amused easily.

I'm telling you all this because, sometimes you've just got to go with the flow with whatever life throws at you and....add trees to your painting.

Joe, I hope you like the sky as requested under my 'about me' tab.


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