Daily Painting - Teapot for one

Daily painter.Painting a day.PAD Movement.Blue Denby Teapot and cup with saucer sitting on green cloth with French tea towel.Original oil painting.Small.Unique.
Teapot for One - Painting number 5

Daily painter.Painting a day.PAD Movement.Blue Denby Teapot and cup with saucer.Close up of the reflection of cup at the bottom of the teapot .Original oil painting.Small.Unique.

Daily painter.Painting a day.PAD Movement.Blue Denby Teapot and cup with saucer.Close up of the reflection of cup at the top of the teapot which turns the cup upside down .Original oil painting.Small.Unique.

Daily Painting - Original Oil Painting on Oil Paper 10x7 inches


Anonymous said…
Great teapot! I had to get mine out to see the upside down reflections. Not noticed that before

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