Daily Painting - Orchid

Orchid- Painting number 34
Daily Painting - Original Oil Painting on canvas panel 9x6.5 inches.

My Orchid has been flowering for over 6 months now and is still going strong, it simply isn't normal, it still has 22 flowers on it!  My Tiger Orchid has also bloomed for the last 6 months but now only has 3 flowers left on it. Everyone I know who has had orchids gets the flowers to last about 6 weeks max, if they are lucky. I think my plants are magical :)
I decided to paint my orchid today to continue with my current challenge of painting transparent white. Unfortunately some of the petals went a little muddy so I found painting the white aspect of the orchid quite challenging, never mind the transparency. I'll get it one day, I just have to focus a little harder and make my marks count.

I had an overwhelming desire for instant change again today and so dyed my hair.
I did one of those home streaking kits where you have to stick on a plastic hood and pull out strands of your hair with a mini hook. Makes your arms ache trying to reach round to the back of your head so today I simply didn't bother and only lightened the front.  

Normally if I attempt streaking my hair at home, the bleach seeps through the little holes in the hood and I get big bad random blotches where I don't want them. I've previously messed up my hair and had to mascara out ugly yellow blotches till I could get to the shop and buy darker hair dye to then painstakingly paint over the mistakes.
I'm bad at dying my hair, you'd think I'd give up doing it, but...dying my hair is the least of my hair sins, I quite often get hold of the kitchen scissors and cut it myself too. 
I have no idea why I get these overwhelming feelings of wanting change in my life and then take it out on my hair. I'm sure most people just re-arrange their furniture.
Hmmmm...or have the patience to wait for a hairdressing appointment.
Here's my latest hair experiment. The fringe is nearly straight, not bad.....for me :)
Elena xxX


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