Daily Painting - Morning walk for the Sheep dog

Morning walk for the Sheep dog - Painting number 47
Daily Painting - Original Oil Painting on Oil Paper 7x5 inches.
The lady and her dog are only 25 millimetres tall in this painting.
I will need to sketch and study mini figures more carefully if I wish to add them to my paintings. It's not easy when you have so few brush strokes with which to express so much. I think I have captured this little Sheep dog pulling on the lead, keen to get running in the park.  Also, as I have decided to paint exactly what I see, the lady is a very responsible dog owner and has picked up after her pooch. I don't think she was quite awake though as she dragged her feet along the grass as the Sheep dog enthusiastically tried, with not much success, to make her move a little quicker.
Elena xxX


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