Daily Painting - In the shadow of the Truffinch tree

In the shadow of the Truffinch tree  - Painting number 20
Daily Painting - Original Oil Painting on Oil Paper 10x7 inches.

I've got my cousin Louise coming over today and I'm soooo very excited : )

Spent most of the day so far out walking with Dax. It's very very windy here and cold enough to need gloves (I need to find mine!) but we still have wonderful clouds and blue skies again.
Stupidly I didn't take my sketch book or paints out walking with me.

As I have guests arriving about 8 tonight, I am going to have to spend the rest of the afternoon giving the old place a good hover and polish before they get here. It just needs cleaning to the point that I don't feel ashamed of not being any good at housewife business (can I be excused as I am not a wife....). Cleaning is secondary to a whole bigger list of more important things to do. Cleaning has gone..dare I say it...to the dogs.

I was thinking that my semi realist style of painting is a pain when you don't have much time in which to paint.
I thought that I should just see how my memory see's the landscape. I've been out all day watching the world go by, so perhaps I should take a pop at impressionism.
It's not that I'm choosing impressionism as a cheap and quicker alternative to realism, it's just about time I put all the watching and studying I do of landscape to some good use.
Ohhhh, I'm never going to make it as an artist, I'm just way too honest...I'm telling porkies, I  hope to be cheap and quick today. LOL        

I'll update this later so you can see if it's worked out. And yes, I'll update it even if what I produce is rotten!

Wish me luck
Elena xxX


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