Daily Painting - Bread and Mushroom

Bread and Mushroom, Daily painting.
Bread and Mushroom - Painting number 7

Bread and Mushroom,close up. Daily painting.

Here's the work in progress
Bread and Mushroom, work in progress step 4 .Daily painting.
Bread and Mushroom, work in progress step 3 .Daily painting.
Bread and Mushroom, work in progress step 2 .Daily painting.
Bread and Mushroom, work in progress step 1 .Daily painting.

Here's my pallet
Bread and Mushroom, pallet used .Daily painting.

Daily Painting - Original Oil Paining on Oil Paper 10x7 inches

I thought I would let you see my work in progress for this painting, as I found it really funny that the bread looked more like a kipper till close to the end. 
As I have never painted bread before, you can imagine I was a little worried by this.

I was thinking about fibbing and changing the title of the painting to 'Kipper and Mushroom' but all turned out well in the end. Except... it put the idea in my head that I want to buy a big whole fish and paint it, horrible jelly eyes and all.
It normally takes me about 5 hours to complete a painting. I do step back and look at them from a distance, hand on chin, pulling funny frowned faces for most of this time though.
Would I be able to paint a whole fish, with all that detail, before it stunk the entire house out?
You know...it doesn't matter...I will do it one day.

My poor boyfriend, he has to put up with so much, living with an artist.
There should be a support group for artist's partners. 
Last night I woke him up because I was quite pleased with the inside of my mushroom,
"that's great, good reflections on the little pot too" he said without truly even opening his eyes fully, how good is he! 
I think he has a secret book with lists of things to say to get me to trot of grinning and leave him in peace.

The problem most of them will have, is that an artist can have interest in too many artforms.
We can flip from painting one minute to sculpture the next.
If I'm painting he has to put up with a girlfriend with hair like a birds nest, covered in paint from head to foot, who's been up all night as she just can't stop when it was going really well.
Or, has to put up with me crafting when his feet suddenly become pin magnets.
You know it's really odd, I've never ever stood on a pin in my life...why has he stood on hundreds?

You will notice on today's painting that I use a grey primer. 
Most of what I see when looking at a still life is mid tone, so using a grey primer means I only have to sketch the shadows and highlights, saves all the time I used to spend shading everything in. I usually use a lighter shade of grey charcoal too, but I haven't got a clue where I put it today so had to go on without it.


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